Saturday, November 13, 2010

Direction the class needs.

I'm not going to lie and say I look forward to going to American Lit everyday.  I don't have a single class that I can't wait to get to, but American Lit is a more enjoyable class, and most students would agree.  There is always loads of trash talking I hear behind teachers backs, and I haven't heard any about Mr Mcarthy.  So if it were a popularity won.  Now, what teachers care about.  I don't think the class needs direction.  Part of what I like about the class is that it doesn't have a direction.  Obviously we have a curriculum, required reading, and assigned work, but the rest is up in the air.  The students of the class have more of an opprotunity to run disscussions, and contribute to the class, and on certain days we dictate which direction are class goes which is a great thing.

1 comment:

  1. Correctomoondo (i can spell it any way I want) i think you are totally right
