Friday, September 24, 2010

God Hates Us

This is sort of scary!  Whats even scarier is that some people beleived in this, and gave their whole lives up to a religion that is depressing.  Beleiving in god is ok, but beleiving he hates you and at all times he has the power to send you to hell for any little thing that doesn't please him seems a bit extreme.  But thats just my opinion.   It would be hard to beleive in something that controls your life.  If someone was always worried about what god will think and will he approve of this they aren't living their own life.  Now I know that some people were forced into thinking it and some people were born into it with no other choice, but how did these beleifs go on!?  It suprises me that so many people would go along with this, just because they are afraid that god will smite them.  If I was living in this time with this religion I'm not saying I would lead a whole revolution, because I'm sure that it is harder to do than to say.  What I would do is question it, and try and get other people to question it.


  1. But what if when you questioned the peoples beliefs, they called you a sorcerer dude and killed you. Wouldn't you be too scared to fight back? and just pretend?

  2. The family people are born into has a HUGE impact on their beliefs that they formulate throughout their lives. So if your parents were extremely devout Puritan, chances are great that you too will carry many of their ideals and rituals
