Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pac Div

Pac Div is a rap group from Southern California.  They are starting to get noticed more and more, and still have maintained what made them famous.  In their first to mixtapes they rap about being average.  They grew up, had normal lives, normal neighboorhoods, and where average rappers.  They have a sort of mainstream sound, but unique lyrics, and relatable lyrics to all types of youth.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Jay and Nick

First off, Gatsby is a fake.  It seems like he is just using Nick to get closer to Daisy.  Many of us have done something like this at any point in our lives, so it isn't a huge deal, and it doesn't portray Gatsby as a villain.  Nick seems like he wouldn't be crushed if Gatsby told him he wasn't his best friend in the whole wide world.  Their relationship is real since Gatsby knows what he wants, and Nick has accsess to it, and they seem like friends.  Through Daisy, the two have met, and without her they might not have ever seen eachother.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Winter Peom

Winter time is here.
Christmas day at my moms house
Smell of ham and pies.
Lights cover the tree
Gigts cover the ground like snow
Christmas time is here